FairFund Implementations

⚙️ FairFund Implementations

This section provides an overview of current FairFund implementations across different blockchains.

Current Implementations

BlockchainVersionSmart Contract LanguageRepositoryDeploymentAudit Status

Ethereum (Sepolia Testnet)



Not yet audited

Technology Stack

  • Smart Contracts: Solidity, Foundry

  • Frontend: Next.js, TailwindCSS, ShadCN UI

  • Backend: Next.js API Routes, Prisma ORM

  • Authentication: NextAuth, SIWE, Web3Modal

  • Blockchain Interaction: Wagmi, Viem

  • Database: PostgreSQL

Frontend Deployment

The current frontend is deployed at: https://fair-fund.vercel.app/


If you would like to start a new implementation of FairFund or contribute to an existing one, please check the Contributing section in the README.

Local Setup and Deployment

For detailed information on local setup and deployment, please refer to the Run Locally section in the README.

Last updated