Last updated
Last updated
All known implementations of Djed are listed in the table below, along with their repositories, smart contract language and version. Since it is often the case that implementations may differ from the protocol version, known discrepancies are listed in the Comments column.
Not applicable
Updatable, not immutable, not zero-governance.
Updates of the contract are controlled by a group of independent key holders trusted by the Ergo community. A majority of key holders must sign an update of the contract for the update to occur.
No minimum buying price for reservecoins. Instead the reservecoin price is reset to the initial price if the equity becomes zero.
Minimal Djed in Plutus
Not yet available
Not yet available
Updatable, not immutable, not zero governance.
Needs an off-chain operator.
An operator fee is charged by the protocol.
If you know an implementation of Djed that is not listed above, please contact us.
If you would like to start a new implementation of Djed, we would like to help. Contact us.
The list above is for information purposes only. Appearance in the list does not mean that the implementation is associated with or endorsed by the The Stable Order.