
The Stable Order has an apprenticeship program for students.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • To be a student enrolled in a high school, technical school or university.

    • There are no restrictions w.r.t. the topics you are studying.

    • There are no restrictions on the level of studies. MSc and PhD students are welcome too.

  • To abide by our code of honor.

  • To be willing to dedicate a non-negligible amount of time to one of our projects.

What you can expect to get from The Stable Order during the apprenticeship:

  • Mentorship

    • Members from The Stable Order who have been working on the projects one which you will work will discuss your tasks with you and will review your pull requests.

  • The "Apprentice of The Stable Order" role in our Discord server.

  • The opportunity to work on projects that are making the world more stable.

What you can expect to get from The Stable Order after successful completion of the apprenticeship:

  • A certificate of completion, with all the information necessary to satisfy the requirements of your school or university.

  • The "Member of The Stable Order" in our Discord server.

Application Process:

  • Join our Discord server.

  • Send a message there expressing your interest to participate.

  • Be patient waiting for a reply.

Last updated