Create a Djed-based Stablecoin

If you would like to have a Djed-based Stablecoin on your blockchain or create a Djed-based stablecoin for your web3 project, the preferred and recommended way is through the following steps:

  1. Form a stablecoin team composed of some core devs or community devs from your projects as well as some members from The Stable Order.

  2. Let the members of this team become knights of The Stable Order.

  3. Encourage your project's foundation and token holders to become benefactors of The Stable Order by funding your own stablecoin team.

  4. Depending on the smart contract languages available at your blockchain or at the blockchain where your project's token was issued, either reuse one of the existing Djed implementations or start a new one from scratch.

    • A Solidity implementation for EVM-compatible blockchains already exists.

    • If your blockchain has a new smart contract programming language, then an implementation of a Djed-based stablecoin in your new language can be a good example for other projects, due to its minimalism and conciseness.

  5. Work on branding the stablecoin so that it is compatible with your own project's brand.

    • "Djed" is the name of the abstract mathematical stablecoin protocol, but it is recommended that Djed-based stablecoins have names that are related to the blockchains on which they are deployed, to their pegs or to their backing assets.

  6. Deploy the implementation, first on a testnet and then on the blockchain's mainnet.

  7. Incentivize liquidity provision and usage of the deployed stablecoin among users of your blockchain or project.

By making your stablecoin in collaboration with and becoming part of The Stable Order, you obtain the following benefits:

  • Your stablecoin will be based on the best version of a theoretically solid, formally verified and empirically battle-tested protocol.

  • Your stablecoin will have the support of the original researchers and developers of the protocol, instead of being seen as a free-riding fork.

Experienced members of The Stable Order that become part of your stablecoin team may assist in tasks such as:

  • Choosing the best version of Djed for your blockchain.

  • Choosing parameter values.

  • Implementing smart contracts.

  • Reviewing and auditing smart contracts.

  • Refactoring and simplifying smart contracts.

  • Project management.

  • Adapting Djed to your blockchain's context.

  • Branding your Djed-based stablecoin to your blockchain.

  • Linking to your stablecoin on .

  • Promote your Djed-based stablecoin through our social media accounts.

  • Participate in co-marketing activities (AMAs, podcasts, ...).

Get in touch with us to create a Djed-based stablecoin for your project.

Last updated